Ambrosetti Forum 2024: A Golden Jubilee of Global Dialogue and Strategic Investments in Energy Transition

President Kamel Ghribi with Ilham Aliyev President of Azerbaijan

The picturesque Villa d'Este in Cernobbio, Italy, once again opened its doors to some of the world's most influential figures for the 50th edition of the Ambrosetti Forum.

This year's event, aptly titled "The Scenario of Today and Tomorrow for Competitive Strategies," commenced on September 6, marking half a century of fostering high-level discussions on global economic, political, and social challenges.

The three-day Ambrosetti Forum has long been recognized as a premier think tank and management consulting firm. Its annual gathering in Cernobbio has become a cornerstone event for global leaders to exchange ideas and shape strategies for navigating complex international landscapes. The 50th edition was no exception, bringing together an impressive array of world leaders, experts, and leading figures from various sectors.

The forum, highly exclusive, brought world figures to express the necessity to balance world powers. Among the notable attendees were Queen Rania of Jordan, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Kamel Ghribi, Chairman of GKSD and Gruppo San Donato (GSD), Italy’s premier private hospital group. The forum also served as a venue for important bilateral and multilateral meetings.

Kamel Ghribi, a regular attendee, has been known for promoting Italian excellence through healthcare design, engineering, construction, and clean energy projects. GSKD has been in the forefront in the development, management, and modernization of healthcare facilities across Europe and the Middle East. Its efforts include upgrading hospitals, medical centers, and specialized healthcare services to ensure they meet modern standards and improve patient care.

Ghribi met with several key figures, including Prime Minister Meloni, Antonio Tajani, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy, Khalid Al-Falih, Saudi Arabian Minister of Investments, President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan, Jack Marckell, US Ambassador to Italy and others.

President Kamel Ghribi with Giorgia Meloni Prime Minister of Italy

One of the defining features of the Ambrosetti Forum is its commitment to non-partisanship. The event welcomes speakers from across the political spectrum and from various academic, institutional, and business backgrounds. This diversity of perspectives creates a unique environment for free and open discussion on major economic, geopolitical, scientific, and technological issues.
The forum's ability to facilitate dialogue between different, and sometimes opposing, viewpoints sets it apart from other international gatherings. By providing a neutral platform, the Ambrosetti Forum enables meaningful exchanges that can lead to innovative solutions and collaborations.

The presence of leaders from diverse backgrounds indicates that the forum addressed a wide range of issues. From the challenges facing the European Union to the ongoing conflicts in various parts of the world, from the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence to the pressing need for sustainable development – the Ambrosetti Forum provided a platform for comprehensive and nuanced discussions on the most critical issues of our time.

Energy transition

One topic that drew much enthusiasm was the “The role of electricity distribution for a secure energy transition,” that highlighted Europe’s role in energy security, renewable integration, and consumer empowerment. There were calls for greater recognition and investment in distribution infrastructure.

"Electricity distribution is the unsung hero of our energy transition. As we move towards a more sustainable future, robust and smart distribution networks are not just desirable – they're essential. These networks are the arteries that will carry clean energy to every corner of our societies,” Ghribi said.

He added that investing in modernizing and expanding distribution infrastructure will be critical for ensuring energy security, integrating renewable sources, and empowering consumers. “Without efficient distribution, our efforts in green energy generation will fall short. It's time we recognize that a secure energy transition hinges as much on how we distribute power as on how we produce it."

The European Commission states that to meet the 2050 decarbonization targets, the EU must double its annual installation rate of renewable energy sources (RES) compared to the average of the past five years. The bulk of this increase comes from the electricity sector, which will need to account for 60% of Europe's final energy consumption. The substantial expansion of RES across the region, coupled with the increased electrification of end-use consumption, necessitates significant development of the distribution grid, which will be crucial in supporting this transition.

“In light of the changes taking place in the electricity system and those required to achieve decarbonization, the consolidation and development of the distribution grid as an essential mean of enabling this evolution is indeed at the heart of the current energy debate,” said Gianni Vittorio Armani, Director of Enel Grids and Innovability at Enel. “To support this major new phase in the development of the distribution grid through invested capital and innovation, it is necessary to ensure a coherent set-up that allows financial stability and sustainable management for distribution grid operators.”

As Europe continues to make efforts to achieve its decarbonization goals, aiming to become climate-neutral by 2050 as part of the European Green Deal, transitioning to renewable energy sources will be crucial to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, combating climate change, and meeting international agreements like the Paris Accord.

“The progressive increase in distributed generation from renewable sources and the greater electrification of final consumption require an adequate electricity distribution to enable a 'seamless’ transition,” remarked Lorenzo Tavazzi, Senior Partner and Board Member of The European House – Ambrosetti and TEHA Group.

Tavazzi added that evolution of the electricity system and the role of distribution require significant new investments in the grid to ensure continuity of performance. “ In Italy, over the next 10 years, about 6 billion euros of investments per year will be planned, to activate significant direct, indirect and induced impacts on the country's economy.

The choice of Italy as the host country for this prestigious forum for 50 years is not coincidental. Italy's strategic position as a G7 country, a founding member of the European Union, and a bridge between Europe and the Mediterranean makes it an ideal location for such a global gathering.

Kamel Ghribi's comment on Italy's role is particularly telling: "We are proud that Italy is providing a platform to bring leaders together to deepen and strengthen international relations through meaningful debate, constructive dialogue, new ideas and a genuine desire to be the much needed 'Architects of Peace' through diplomacy, commitment, courage, action and of course the sharing of expertise."

His statement encapsulates the spirit of the Ambrosetti Forum – a commitment to fostering peace, understanding, and progress through open dialogue and shared expertise.

The Ambrosetti Forum has consistently provided a platform for addressing the most pressing issues of each era, from the Cold War tensions of the 1970s to the digital revolution of the 21st century.

As the world grapples with increasingly complex and interconnected challenges, platforms like the Ambrosetti Forum that bring together diverse perspectives and foster constructive dialogue will be more crucial than ever.