The direct to consumer world has also begun to adapt its dynamic with customers to accommodate contemporary consumer interests, creating more sharability and total earning power.
A prime example here is the innovations of health and wellness entrepreneurs Marc Wachter and Tim Tobin. In identifying the prevailing interest of many consumers today to become digital influencers and get involved in the growth of the brands they use, Wachter and Tobin took a very desirable, EWG certified wellness brand Live Ultimate and open it up for consumers to build their own shareable business models around.
Unlike traditional affiliate marketing, Live Ultimate’s version has been positively transformed by transparent product quality, brand reputation, and sales commission paradigms. This allows founders to do what they’re great at- creating innovative products- and for today’s ambitious, business hungry market to get actively involved in marketing it and earning from it.
Wachter has astutely recognized this inclination and given consumers a turnkey package in which to become involved in the growth of a leading business.

According to Wachter “the beauty of our model is that it gives you the ability to launch your own business without the costs, risks and overhead versus starting from scratch. If you create your own company, you’ll need to spend money on research, inventory, office space, technology, employees and a host of other things you haven’t even thought of yet. You've got to be good at so many different parts of the business, and you’re all by yourself.
It's a very scary proposition, and 95 percent of startups don’t make it. With our model, you get to be in business for yourself but not by yourself. And that's the winning advantage. Our Live Ultimate Ambassadors reap the benefits of all the money, resources and quality that we put into this company.
As a result of Wachter and Tobin’s developments, businesses and consumers alike have a new turnkey marketing model which accommodates both of their core strengths and allows for a greater ease and degree of sharability.
Businesses following such elevated multi level marketing frameworks such as Live Ultimate enable the digital economy to drive forward great products at viral speed.